Ethiopian Keto Spicy Beer Smoothie

This easy-to-make and delicious smoothie is full of rich flavors from Ethiopia and Keto ingredients. It has a spicy touch and a unique flavor derived from beer.

Smoothie Ethiopian Keto
Easy 10 min 200 cal

1. In a blender, mix the butter, cheese and beer until well blended. 2. Add the chicken, lettuce leaves, flaxseed and olive oil. Blend until smooth. 3. Add cayenne pepper to taste. Blend once more until smooth. 4. Serve immediately.


Ingredients for 1 person: - 2 tablespoons butter - 1/4 cup cheese - 1 tablespoon beer - 1/2 cup cooked chicken - 1/2 cup lettuce leaves - 2 tablespoons flaxseed - 2 tablespoons olive oil - Cayenne pepper (to taste)

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