Chocolate Fondue

Chocolate fondue is the perfect way to transform any ingredients into sweet, delicious treats.

Main Dish
Easy 10 min 320 cal

1. In a small saucepan, gently heat the heavy cream until bubbles form, but don't allow it to boil. 2. Add the chopped chocolate to the saucepan and turn the heat off. Stir and allow the residual heat to melt the chocolate and mix with the cream. 3. Add a pinch of salt to the chocolate mixture and stir until fully combined. 4. Transfer the fondue to a ramekin or suitable bowl, dip your favorite ingredients into the fondue, and enjoy!


- 2 oz dark chocolate, chopped - 1/4 cup heavy cream - Pinch of sea salt - Various fruits, pretzels, and other dippers

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