Soy Sauce Fried Egg Toast

This simple and tasty breakfast dish is perfect for those looking for a quick, filling meal. The savory combination of soy sauce and eggs makes it a flavorsome start to the morning!

Breakfast Dish
Easy 10 min 286 cal

1. Heat your cooking oil in a frying pan over medium heat. 2. Crack two eggs into the pan and allow to fry until the white is mostly cooked through. 3. While the eggs are cooking, toast your bread. 4. Once the eggs are done, flip them over. 5. Pour the soy sauce evenly over the eggs. 6. Cook for about 1 minute, until the egg is cooked through. 7. Place the eggs on the toast and enjoy!


-1 slice of bread -2 eggs -1 teaspoon of soy sauce -1 tablespoon of cooking oil

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