Chocolate Oatmeal Fruit Cup

Sweet, velvety and fruity cup, made with chocolate, mango, peaches and grapes, finished with oatmeal for crunch

Easy 10 min 180 cal

1. Heat the dark chocolate over low temperature until it's just melted. 2. Put the mango, grapes, peaches and oats in a bowl and mix it together. 3. Pour the melted chocolate over the fruit and oatmeal mixture. 4. Let the mixture cool for about 5 minutes or until it's thick and solid enough to scoop into small cups. 5. Serve the Chocolate Oatmeal Fruit Cups!


- 60 g dark chocolate - 60 g mango, chopped - 30 g grapes, halved - 30 g peaches, chopped - 12 g oats

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