Honeyed Lettuce with Argentinian Nuts

Delight your sweet tooth with this low-carb Argentinian dessert featuring lettuce, honey, and nuts.

Dessert Argentinian Low-Carb
Easy 15 min 180 cal

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2. Spread nuts on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. 3. Wash lettuce leaves and pat dry. 4. Arrange lettuce on a plate and drizzle with honey. 5. Sprinkle roasted nuts over the lettuce and a pinch of salt. 6. Serve and enjoy!


2 leaves of butterhead lettuce, 1 handful of your favorite Argentinian nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc), 2 tablespoons of honey, pinch of salt

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